Monday 20 March 2017

Cause Of Stress on Students


Students experience great amounts of stress, whether teenagers or college age, in the family or among their peers. Most adults have forgotten what it was like to experience the stress placed on students, but students ride the roller coaster every day. 

1. Academics
Alphabetically first among the causes of stress on students is academic pressure. Simply tackling more difficult assignments can demand stress management techniques. It might be wise for teachers to introduce students to this stress with an assignment such as a “Causes of Stress on Students Essay”. Requiring students to interview older students and educators, as well as research the Internet on the subject, could help them prepare for the stresses of academic challenges.
2. Dating
Student life throughout high school and college is filled with thinking about dating, dating, trying to date, failing to date, and being “dumped”. The mating game is filled with eustress, but it also involves distress, and is among the greatest causes of stress on students.
3. Environment
The school environment itself can be a cause of stress on students. Students moving into secondary education find it challenging to constantly move around to classes. Those matriculating to tertiary education are challenged with leaving home and establishing a new life in a new setting. Both can cause stress on students.
4. Extracurricular
Colleges pressure high school students to engage in extracurricular activities such as choirs, clubs, sports, band, or volunteer work. The presence of these on a student application can go far toward acceptance. Once in college, extracurricular activities still cause stress on students, since their presence on a job application is also an asset.
5. Peers
Like dating, peer relationships can provide eustress or distress. As peers apply pressure in regard to dress, behavior, choice of friends or music, and many other areas of life, that pressure can become a huge cause of stress on students.
6. Workload
High school workloads, and later college workloads, are heavy for many students. For secondary students planning on tertiary studies, high school grades are important. So is the number of subjects. As a result, students may overload their schedules. In college, where a financial investment has been made, students may overwork to reach their goals and benefit from the money spent. Workloads at either level are causes of stress on students.
7. Time Management
A lack of time management also causes stress on students, whether secondary or tertiary. Balancing academics, dating, peer activities, and home life can be difficult. Toss in a part-time job, and the challenge increases.
8. Parental Pressure
Finally, students at either level experience stress from parental pressures. Parents want their children to succeed in school. They want to see good grades, but they also want to see success in life’s other areas. In their attempts to guide their children, parents can become one of the major causes of stress on students.
It is wise for parents and others who work with students to take time to recognize the stresses students face. If they then provide stress management techniques, they will do much to relieve and encourage their students.

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