Sunday 7 May 2017

Virgo Daily Horoscope (August 23 - September 22)

Virgo Horoscopes

Feeling proactive? Strike while inspiration's hot this Saturday morning. The moon rounds out its tour in your sign, nudging you to take action on all the ideas you've cooked up over the past few days. Don't lose that momentum! Draft a project plan, pitch a story, send an exploratory email. You could also channel the energy into something "selfish" (and well-deserved). Click on that web-only coupon and snag those adorable statement sandals for a fraction of the price. Your energy gets into a really productive flow come afternoon when the moon moves into Libra and your practical-yet-luxurious second house. Tidy up and pay the bills, then reward yourself with a budget-appropriate dinner rez. On Sunday, the moon meets up with indulgent Jupiter, dialing up the decadence. You'll feel like spoiling your loved ones, treating them to a lovely meal, endless compliments or first dibs on your couture hand-me-downs. Treat yourself to something a teensy bit over the top, but mind your limits—you don't want to wake up with a retail hangover or a whopping credit card bill from picking up everyone's brunch tab. Spreading the love doesn't HAVE to cost a thing!

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